In early blog posts I talked a little about the need for support of small family farms and the number of individuals going into agriculture careers, particularly those with an agriculture back. Something that has been brought to my attention is the number or individuals entering an agriculture based occupation with little or no agriculture back ground. While the number of farmers has decreased, the number of individuals who are new to agriculture occupations has increased. (
start to farm)

These individuals have a drive to succeed and produce quality products for consumers. As a result of this increase of agriculturist there are additional resources for these new farmers. The United States Department of Agriculture provides multiple introductions and educational information for new farmers including the
New Farmers Guide and
Start to farm financial support.
Now I understand that not everyone wants to be a farmer but there is so much that each person can do to help support agriculture and specifically these new farmers. In an early blog post I discussed the purpose of small family farms and how the producers at these farms bring their products to farmers markets. I am going to put in another plug for these farmer markets. A lot of the farm represented at the farmers markets are owned and operated by first time agriculturalist. So many are just starting out and producing quality products.
There are farmers markets every where.
Edible Wasatch and similar websites can direct you to the farmers market nearest to you. Find a market and support a farmer today!
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