Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Revolution of Food- GMOs

I have missed a few weeks since I last posted. Over that time the topic of food has been going through my mind so I studied it out and will produce a series over the next week about food, especially since it is getting close to the holiday season when a lot of people become concerned with their food consumption and seem to be very interested in exactly what kind of food they are eating, whether or not it is nutritious, and the how it is produced. GMO's or Genetically Modified Organisms is an example of a hot topic in the food industry right now. That can be a pretty scary term. What does that really mean to have a genetically modified organism? Is that consumable? Is it healthy at all? I had the opportunity to interview a family friend Clark Israelson, an Extension Agent for Cache County in Utah about GMO's and his take. (Later on I will have a pod cast covering the topic with more detail.) First let us define GMOs. A GMO is a Genetically Modified Organism that main purpose is to increase production and value of the product.(GMO facts) While talking to Mr. Israelson he stated that GMOs have been around forever, as animals have adapted and changed. It is the survival of the fittest at its finest as the weak genetics are eliminated. GMOs are used to increase crop production and produce a weed resistant, higher yield, more nutritious product. (GMO Benefits) Although I recognize that there is a bias, but with adequate research consumers can come to their own conclusion and choose for themselves. There are many resources for information, for and against the consumption of GMOs. A few would include, Food And Agriculture Organization of United Nations,International Union of Nutritional Sciences, and Genetic Literacy Project. These sources have facts from studies taken and information that is reliable.

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